Cuicui is an EdTech start-up dedicated to the creation of serious games and gamification projects. Born in 2014, our initial activity was focused on the creation of software to improve brain health, detect intelligence profiles and cognitive skills and know the learning styles that best suit each user, using techniques such as gamification and models of the conception of the mind as the theory of multiple intelligences. CUICUI’s launch project as a company was “Boogies Academy”, a digital library of educational content aimed at primary school students. After that, we created the EVENIM project (whose commercial name is Cutie Cuis), consisting of software for the evaluation and improvement of intelligence (through video games) for adult audiences. This project has been very well received in the market, with more than 200,000 users and has even given rise to a line of toys based on the IP of the characters that star in the videogame.

Norman Suárez, PhDs

Bachelor’s in economics and MBA. An entrepreneur since 2011, passionate about education and technological dissemination. Former vice-president and co-founder of UNEVA (Video Game Companies of Asturias region Union), Director of FIMP (Internet Meeting Point Forum), and co-founder and member of the board of ASTUR VALLEY (Asturian Association of Startups). CEO of Cuicui Studios since its foundation, he is in charge of management and business strategy. He currently combines his work at Cuicui Studios with teaching at the University of Oviedo.

Pablo García Menéndez, PhD

Bachelor in Pedagogy by the University of Oviedo, Master in Neuropsychology and Education by International University of La Rioja, Master in Creation of Multimedia Didactic Material As a specialist in educational technology, and Ph.D. in Education.

Pablo is the main connecting thread between the scientific and pedagogical basis of the products developed at Cuicui Studios.

Andrés Fernández Bermejo

Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Bachelor’s in Software Engineering by the University of Oviedo, Master’s in Videogame Design and Development by the Universitat Oberta of Catalunya.

Andrés has managed to turn his passion for videogames into his profession, delving deep into all the different subjects that cover the process of making a videogame. From back-end to gameplay, from shader programming to gesture control systems, he takes pleasure in creating full new experiences.

He works full time as CTO at Cuicui Studios, where he pours his old school videogame knowledge into every project.